鶏口となるも、牛後となる勿れ Keikou to narumo, gyuugo to naru nakare.

  • 解釈:大きな集団で人の後につくより、小さな集団でその長となれという意。中国蘇秦(そしん)が韓(かん)王を説いて、秦に屈せず戦うように勧めた故事による。
  • Literal:Please do become the mouth of the cock, and do not become cow's back.
  • Interpretation:Become the head of a small group without becoming a large group's rear. Please do become the representative of a small group, and do not become the member of a large group.
  • 類義:大鳥の尾より、小鳥の頭。鶏口牛後。鯛の尾より鰯の頭。
  • 反義:寄らば大樹(たいじゅ)の陰。
GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.